Reverse Engineering

shutterstock 1152165 200x300 Reverse EngineeringReverse engineering is the process of duplication of an existing part by capturing the component’s physical dimensions, features, and material properties, and involves acquiring three-dimensional position data in the point cloud, usually using laser scanners.

There are lots of reasons a company needs reverse engineering such lost documentation, analyzing an existing product for improving it, to modernize manufacturing processes, to design a new part to fit to a legacy part, academic and learning purposes, competitive technical intelligence, and much more.

Reverse engineering has become a viable method to bring existing physical geometry into digital products, creating 3D computer models of these existing physical parts for use in 3D CAD, CAM, and other software.

Our team can create high quality 3D CAD models from such point cloud data, creating parametric surfaces and solids which the customers can use in their design.